HIEF Autumn Newsletter
The summer was busy, but we now have lots of exciting news to share – from both ourselves and the fantastic projects we support across the Highlands and Islands.As always, get in touch if anything springs to mind when reading this – there’s now two of us and we’re always happy to hop on a call to talk about anything that might be relevant to our work.
Enjoy the newsletter!
Best wishes,
Sally McNaught (Executive Director)
& Louis MacMillan (Project Coordinator)
In June, we awarded four new grants to the following projects:
Marine Litter Drone Survey
Salmon Stream Nutrition Restoration
Bute Forest Ranger
£10,000 awarded to Bute Community Land Company – match funding for a ‘‘Grow the Seed” Crowdfunder campaign to deliver a year of woodland education and restoration.
Glenurquhart Farm Cluster
£15,000 to Trees for Life, who are co-ordinating a cluster of farmers and crofters to create a network of ponds and wetlands.
Congratulations to all involved! We are looking forward to watching the projects progress and bringing you updates in due course. More information can be found on these grants, and others, via this link.
Updates from April Grants
Glenelg Peninsula Biodiveristy Mapping
Several workshops on seaweed, ecology, birds, and otters have been delivered by local experts, incorporating beach cleans and citizen science mapping on the iNaturalist app. The photography competition is now open for submissions. More photos and info here!
Ardura Community Forest
The first stage of implementing the forest’s Biodiversity Action Plan has focused on non-native invasive species removal (particularly sitka spruce) and protecting trees from deer grazing. Volunteer work parties, co-ordinated by Rachel French from the Mull and Iona Community Trust, have been creating tree shelters and regularly monitoring the forest biodiversity in line with the Action Plan. A case study can be found here.
Oban Waterfall Wood Rehabilitation
The Keep Oban Beautiful voluntary team have been co-ordinating work parties to clear sitka and rhodedendron, and liaising with the school art department to create an ‘art trail’ through the stunning temperate rainforest. Photos and info here!
“The HIEF grant has been a game changer for this project! Volunteers can achieve so much with shared resources & muscle, but this allows us to develop the people side of the project. With some gentle touches, such as an interpretive QR code trail along the path and the installation of a small deck, the site will feel so much more interesting and ’safe’ for people to visit.”
– Laura Corbe, Keep Oban Beautiful
At the beginning of July, we welcomed Louis MacMillan to the team! As Project Co-ordinator, Louis has been taking over some of the grant management side of things, and has been busy visiting some our grantees in Argyll, Moray and Lochalsh. You can read a summary of his week in Argyll here, which included trips to the islands of Arran and Mull. |
Louis (left) taking part in a Shorewatch with Katie Dyke, at the Scottish Dolphin Centre, Spey Bay. And (right) with RSPB Abernethy Site Manager Jess Tomes at Loch Garten. |
In April we were successful in raising a total of £20,000 through this year’s Big Give Green Match Fund – meaning the £10,000 we raised was matched by £10,000 from the Big Give. Thank you to all who supported us – and hopefully we’ll do the same again next year.
In September, Bute Community Forest’s Crowdfunding campaign successfully reached its stretch target of £30,000!
A £10,000 contribution from HIEF, along with matched funding from Aviva Community Fund and Aviva employee contributions, ensured that public donations were tripled “One donation: TRIPLE the impact”.
The additional donations from communities and businesses on Bute, and further afield, were not only important in financial terms, but also established partnerships and fresh support going forwards.
It has been a pleasure to work with Bute Community Forest on this campaign. Having seen the results of the campaign, both financial but also strategic, we are excited to invite applications for matched-funding for two new Crowdfunding campaigns next year (see here for more information). |
Sally McNaught (HIEF) visiting Bute Forest in July, with Julie Christie (EFN), Samuel Lindsay (Bute Forest) and Alison Connelly (RSPB Scotland). |
In September, we hosted a joint ‘Press Tour’ with The European Nature Trust (TENT) to showcase the work of some of our amazing grantees and, by reflection, increase awareness of HIEF. Eight journalists, from various news outlets and magazines, joined us for a week-long trip through the Highlands. Starting at Alladale Wilderness Reserve, Sutherland, and finishing in Ardfern, Argyll we managed to share a variety of HIEF funded projects:
Ardgay Tree Nursery
West Loch Ness Farm Cluster
Friends of Loch Hourn
Marine Mapping and Modelling Resources
Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest
Grateful thanks to TENT for funding the trip and to all who hosted us. Watch this space for articles from the journalists who joined us on the tour. |
Journalists with Oliver Moore and Julie Stoneman, from Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest, at Ardtornish (left) and with Chris Swift at West Loch Ness Farm Cluster (right). |
We are about to consider a new round of grant applications and, as before, we have received many more strong applications than we will have funding to support. Any donations at this stage would therefore be hugely appreciated, and would help to deliver immediate benefits for our prospective grantees. Please get in touch with sally@hief.scot if you are able to help. |
The Conservation Collective comprises a global network of environmental, locally-focussed foundations dedicated to preserving, protecting and regenerating biodiverse ecosystems on land and below water, and to slowing down and adapting to the effects of climate change. |
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Keep up to date on our projects via social media – Instagram is where you’ll find our most engaging content.. Simply click the links below. |