About Us
Our goal is to protect & restore the natural beauty, biodiversity & eco-systems of the Scottish highlands & islands for the benefit of all by working in partnership with local communities to implement sustainable & regenerative projects.
The ability to scale and replicate our projects will allow extensive restoration & protection of these unique habitats, rich in flora & fauna.
Our people
A Steering Committee (SC), comprised of founding & actively involved donors, direct the strategy. They analyse & approve grants & use their personal networks to broaden the base of supporters. SC members have a wide array of backgrounds & interests, but all share a passion for protecting & restoring the outstanding natural beauty of the Scottish highlands & islands.
Our local team consists of one person acting as the local Executive Director in charge of day-to-day management & coordination work on the ground, assisted by advisors & the SC.
Executive Director
Sally is the local Executive Director for the HIEF.
She brings over 25 years’ experience to the role, having worked with many charities, large and small, supporting a number of different causes. With a professional background based on fundraising and marketing roles, working in partnership with local communities and volunteers has been at the heart of her work to ensure that appropriate and long-lasting benefits are achieved. The harsh spotlight provided by the COVID19 restrictions on impending environmental challenges have convinced her that now, more than ever, there is a fundamental need to make sure that we do more than simply minimising harm but instead actively work together to protect, restore and regenerate nature all around us to provide people and the planet the best, most sustainable future possible.
Sally lives in Edinburgh with her husband and teenage children. She enjoys walking, whether that’s in the woods or along the promenade, where she is often motivated by the sight of nature, capitalising every available opportunity, even within city boundaries, to prosper for the benefit of all.
Louis MacMillan
Project Co-ordinator
After growing up in Argyll, Louis studied at the University of Edinburgh, where he has recently graduated in Geography (BSc). He brings a mixture of scientific and creative skills to the team, having conducted environmental and social research in Scotland, Spain and Iceland. A passion for environmental justice prompted a dissertation on community involvement in environmental decision making, focussing specifically on the planning process for a major fish farm application on the West Coast of Scotland.
As Project Co-ordinator, Louis is looking forward to visiting projects across the Highlands and Islands that the HIEF supports, and raising awareness of their effective and inspirational approaches to tackling the climate and biodiversity crises. Within this role, he is excited to showcase the power of participation in shaping healthy environments for human and non-human populations.
Louis’ passion for nature protection and restoration is further fuelled by outdoor pursuits, where climbing, running and surfing inspire an appreciation of the special places and unique landscapes that we are lucky enough to call home.
How we work
The Highlands and Islands Environment Foundation (HIEF), a charity registered in Scotland, SC043026, will:
Help individuals & businesses maximise the impact of their donations by pooling funds & creating leverage;
Use our expert advisors to ensure that projects offer the best returns for nature;
Work with, empower & strengthen local communities to create sustainable, long lasting change on their doorstep;
Test & develop solutions which identify best practice & which can be replicated to create systemic change;
Provide a flexible, independent & effective grant-giving model centred on enabling grass roots solutions to generate a positive impact for nature & the local communities