Forest & woodland
Highland Primary Schools Birdboxes – year 2
£10,000 awarded
The first year of this exciting project saw 450 birdboxes distributed to 45 primary schools along the Spey valley & Inverness. It was very well received with all 450 boxes on offer last year snapped up within a day of being made available. Tom has since condensed his working hours as a teacher to enable him to dedicate an extra day a week to his environmental projects. He is thus proposing to will therefore make & distribute c700 boxes this year (to another 70 primary schools) & by doing so, shorten the project by a full year (ie distribute 1,750 boxes in total to all 175 primary schools over 3 years instead of 4). These birdboxes provide much needed nesting sites for native birds whose populations have plummeted in recent years. At the same time, the teaching resources supplied with them enable the schoolchildren to engage with the natural world around them, thus inspiring them to be the wildlife ambassadors of the future. This grant will cover the costs of the programme for year 2.