Waterfall wood rehabilitation, Oban – Keep Oban Beautiful

£5,000 awarded

This project seeks to regenerate an urban patch of temperate rainforest &, at the same time, create a new area of wetland habitat at the foot of the waterfall on the site.

Due to its location, the site will be used for educational activities (primary & secondary school; volunteer groups; local residents; visitors) & to provide a much-needed green amenity site.  It is intended that the site will also become the first stage in an urban nature network, connecting various isolated habitat pockets for the benefit of nature & people, contributing towards the longer-term goal of the creation of a ‘Rainforest town’.

There has been considerable support for the initial stages of the project (clearing litter & junk & creating pathways) with local businesses & volunteers working together.  However, the next stage requires funding for more specialist contractor works (which are being provided at cost).

This grant will pay for the removal of invasive non-native species (sitka & rhododendron ponticum), development of the freshwater habitat (including boardwalk for safe public access) & creation of accompanying interpretation.