Marine & Coastal

Marine & Coastal habitat: The region’s marine and coastal ecosystems are six times larger than its landmass but overfishing and pollution pose serious challenges.

Marine & coastal grants

  • Salmon stream nutrition restoration – Wester Ross Fisheries Trust

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  • Pilot of community drone survey to advance automation of marine litter analysis – Scottish Islands Federation (SIF)

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  • Glenelg peninsula marine biodiversity mapping & outreach project: Arnisdale & Loch Hourn Community Association

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  • Marine Conservation Society – Beachwatch Highlands & Islands

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  • The GRAB Trust: Beaches and Marine Litter Project (BMLP)

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  • Blue Hope Alliance Project Phase 2: Surveys, Communication and Engagement

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  • CAOLAS – Morvern biodiversity restoration action plan- baseline survey

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  • Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust (HWDT) – 30 years of minke whale research in the Hebrides

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  • Marine Mapping & Modelling Resources

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  • Orkney Marine Mammal Research Initiative (OMMRI): Harbour porpoise annual aggregation research project

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  • Young People at COAST, Youth Action Plan

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  • Marine Litter data collection and monitoring on Scottish Islands

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