Marine & coastal
Blue Hope Alliance Project Phase 2: Surveys, Communication and Engagement
£15,000 awarded
HIEF funded phase 1 of this project (May 2021) which collated/catalogued/boosted outreach for the data collected by the members of this cross-sector citizen science group in & around the Wester Ross MPA.
Phase 2 will build on the foundations created in phase 1 by organising & managing more targeted surveys; standardising reporting; developing the website & archiving storage; increasing public engagement, including establishing a ‘young ambassadors programme’; expanding the alliance to include sponsorship for future sustainability; & expanding academic collaboration (looking at nutrients, algae, maerl, flameshells & their inter-connectivity to inform future fish farm expansion/siting of new fish farms in or near the MPA).
This grant is for a contribution to phase 2 costs, specifically the continuation of the project officer post to facilitate all of the above.